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10 Cours

Semestre 2
Preview Course
Semestre 2
Preview Course

Semestre 2


Semestre 2
Preview Course

Semestre 2

Anglais 2

Course Description: This course is designed to essentially serve two objectives: The first is to introduce students to the learning disabilities terminology so that by the end of this course students will be able to meaningfully use and explain the technical terms related to learning disabilities such as dyslexia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia…etc. The second is to provide a handy overview of the field of special education practices by presenting and discussing videos of classroom activities designed for students with special needs.
It also includes reflective questions that invite students to think about critical issues in education and particularly in special education teaching and action activities requiring readers to apply the ideas, principles, and techniques to the teaching of children with learning disabilities in their own situations.